
Equipping Believers to Maturity


Our Expressions

We are a community of believers who are grounded in the Word and are actively growing & maturing in the ways of Jesus. In all we do, we want to live from a place of victory, fully surrendered to God. We are committed to establishing a culture that is modeled from the Kingdom of God, leading all the Earth to transformation through the fullness of the Gospel. Expressions are practical ways we are equipping believers at Kingdom Culture Church.

  • Worship is a heart posture, expressed both personally and corporately through thanksgiving, praise, adoration, prayer, creativity, and other ways we focus our hearts and attention on encountering God. We use music and song as a primary method of our corporate worship, as it was modeled in the Bible as the most effective method of transforming hearts and waging Spiritual War. As we worship corporately, we will be transformed by His presence into more of His likeness. From this transformed place, The Kingdom of God will be on earth as it is in Heaven.

    Practically: We minister to Jesus through music, songs, and other creative expressions. Worship also includes times of giving, serving and corporate declarations. We will have extended times of worship because it is our joy and privilege to lavish our love and thankfulness upon Jesus.

  • The bible is the inspired and living word of God. While it provides us with logos or divine reasoning through teaching and understanding. It also provides rhema or God’s voice, through the scripture, calling us to action in our current state of living. As such, we operate under that standard of logos and rhema teaching. By making room for the spirit of God to bring new revelation through scripture we are partnering with the word, that is always sharp and accurate, and applicable to culture, while not losing the plumb line of holiness and consistency. All extra-biblical revelation (for example personal or corporate prophecy) is sifted through the truths and doctrines found in the Bible. We know that in order for faith to arise in the lives of believers, we must regularly hear and respond to the word of God.

    Practically: Sermons might follow the leading of the voice of God, rather than a pre-set outline handed out to attendees. We prioritize that in services. We are always open to the direction of Holy Spirit, rather than a set schedule (although we are aware of time!!). The spirits of Wisdom and Revelation (Eph 1:17) are key to the matured growth of the believer. While the Bible is infallible, our interpretation of it might not be. It’s our desire that our church members know the word of God well enough to discern when they hear opinion instead of revelation. On rare occasions, our church leaders will be quick to correct anything we might feel has been spoken erroneously.

  • Discipleship takes every believer from their Salvation encounter and decision to follow Jesus to building them into unity, the knowledge of Jesus, maturity and the fullness of Christ (Ephesians 4:13). Discipleship honors a person's processes, pulls on their strengths, challenges their weaknesses and calls them into a deeper level of community by placing value on their unique calling inside the body. Jesus walked with 12, discipling them through teaching and family living. When the body of Christ builds one and other up, we see real life change in the world.

    Practically: We emphasize growth in every area of the believer’s life through small groups, one on one mentoring, inner healing, deliverance, spiritual gifts training, and accountability. Our church members will grow in personal responsibility, through having a variety of options in both group settings and one on one relationships with church leaders, ministry team members and group classes. A culture of discipleship helps bridge the gap between an orphaned person and an orphaned society back to the Father.

  • The spirit of excellence is a core motivation behind everything we do, and is synonymous with maturity. We bring our very best before the Lord (Col 3:23), not out of a place of striving, but because He is worth it. We understand and acknowledge the difference between perfectionism and the pursuit of excellence, partnering with Jesus who models a truly excellence lifestyle (2 Peter 1:3-4). It is clear in the Bible that God places favor on those who dwell on and pursue excellence (Dan. 6:3, Phil 4:8), and is what helps to set us apart from the world (1 Peter 2:9, Matt 5:14-16).

    Practically: Kingdom culture is established when we serve, equip, and minister from the same heart and language of excellence. At each event, in creative expressions, and practical ministry events we will work to provide the best environment for a person to have a radical encounter with God. This means our leaders, launch team, and volunteers will understand operating in a culture of honor, from a heart of encounter, and giving their skills fully to whatever they lay their hands to. Through branding, color schemes, welcome centers, and Sunday experiences, excellence will be a standard in all we do.

  • We create space for Holy Spirit to move so that people can experience the love of God. It is our privilege to heal the sick, prophesy and pray for everyone we encounter. 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 is our foundation for ministry. Biblical teaching partnered with biblical personal experience through the gifts of the Spirit allows for multiple avenues to transformation. Our trained ministry teams will be ready to speak encouragement, pray for healing (and heal the sick), stand in faith with those in need, and prophecy.

    Practically: Helping church members identify and grow in their spiritual gifts is of the utmost importance. It is through the gifts of the spirit, partnered with the foundational word of God that believers can stand victorious (1 Cor. 15:57, Eph 6:11-20). Through practical training and activation courses, schools of ministry, team training, and displaying the gifts at work church attendees will have an opportunity to learn, grow, and take personal responsibility for the gifts God has entrusted. While we agree with John Wimber that “everyone gets to play”, we want to ensure a safe environment for those receiving ministry, and the one growing in their gift and anointing. We are building a culture of powerful growth, rather than a “free for all."

  • Signs, wonders, and miracles (SWM) are a necessary and biblically commanded part of new testament church culture (John 14:12). We are a second chapter of Acts church, and believe that the full demonstration of SWM in our regular church services and events is paramount to fulfilling the great commission. The bible lays a rich foundation of unusual signs being displayed as a part of God’s nature, his faithfulness, and his guidance to those who follow him. Often these signs and wonders are a display of God’s power to the believer and the unbeliever alike. While these displays point to God’s power and nature, they are not to be worshiped, or to be the foundation for doctrine.

    Practically: It is the partnership of our declared faith (Heb 11:1, Job 22:28) that often ushers in an environment for signs, wonders, and miracles to be experienced and seen. We use the bible as a standard for these expressions of God, measuring what we see and experience to that which has already been testified of through scripture or that which has been indicated through scripture. We will pursue this awesome display of God's power and love through Signs, Wonders, and Miracles services (SWM Nights), where our church members can freely experience the supernatural relationship with God. Signs and wonders that have no concrete foundation through scripture, are discerned and evaluated by church leaders. If necessary, church leaders will offer guidance and pastoring to understand the displays of God’s nature and power, and to rightly divide truth and purity from confusion.

  • The greatest invitation we receive from the Lord, besides salvation, is to bring another home to the father. Taking the life changing message of the gospel outside of the church building fulfills one of the biggest biblical commands of loving our neighbor as ourselves (Mark 12:31). We understand that Jesus demonstrated a life message of salvation by meeting people where they are at in both a spiritual, emotional, and practical way (Matt. 28:19-20). In the same manner we are committed to reaching out to those in our communities, cities, and the nations with the perpetual hope that Jesus brings.

    Practically: We fulfill this biblical call through creative practical events to connect with families and individuals in the area. Through events like seasonal family events, healing outreach on the streets, partnering with local schools to meet practical needs of kids and families, we will address injustices and needs through kingdom values (Amos 5:24). Not only will we focus on North America, but we fully believe in supporting foreign missionaries who answered the Isaiah 6:8 call and went to the corners of the earth with the Gospel. Our church members and attendees are encouraged to engage in both financially supporting foreign and domestic missions and outreach, and in taking part in the hands-on ministry and missions trips.