We believe that God has called men to live life in community with others, and not to accept a life that is void of deep and intentional connection. God’s plan for every man is to grow in faith and relationship with Him - and other godly men. We understand that inside the heart of each man, there is a desire to have life-changing authentic relationships.

As Paul mentions in 2 Timothy 2:2 - "The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also."

We have events that are for anyone who wants to connect in a fun and relaxed environment, and events that are purposefully growing and equipping men in biblical truth. Whether you are unsure of where you are in your walk of faith, or someone who has been in the church your whole life, we would love to connect with you!


Kingdom Men’s Ministry meets the 4th Monday of every month at 7pm.
Events include:

  • Special events where registration may be required

  • Free events

  • Bible Studies & other gatherings

  • Men’s Retreats

Kingdom Men’s Breakfast 2nd Saturday of every month at 8am.